Quit, Don’t Quit… Noodles, Don’t Noodles…

2 min readOct 16, 2024


“Quit, don’t quit. Noodles, don’t noodles. You are too concerned about what was and what will be. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift — that’s why it is called the Present.”

These wise words were spoken by Master Oogway in Kung Fu Panda — words we should all take a moment to reflect on.

Lately, I’ve been overwhelmed about my future. And I know many of you have felt the same. What’s even worse is that these anxieties often stem from doubts rooted in our past.

Once, I was a consistent honor student. I never got grades below 80 and even scored as high as 98 in physics, chemistry, and calculus during my senior year. Math was my escape, writing — my hobby, and science — my passion.

But things changed when I got to college.

I became okay with mediocrity — a student content with a grade of 75, attending class just for the sake of attendance. I began waking up with a heavy heart and a cluttered mind. And I know this resonates with many of us.

We worry.

We cling to what was.

We dwell on who we used to be, and we often find ourselves asking, “What happened?” Doubts fill our minds, leaving us wondering if we’re still capable of achieving the dreams we once held.

As the days passed, I realized I needed help — more than an escape from reality, but a real solution to the dilemmas I am experiencing. So I sought therapy, and if you as well are on these dark deep thoughts, I encourage you to seek help, because no matter how strong we think we are, you need it.

If you’re not ready to take that step yet, I hope these words offer some comfort. I hope they help.

Each day has its own burdens, and tomorrow will bring its own. Worrying about the future doesn’t lighten today’s load; it only adds to it. So why carry both?

This reminds us to focus on the present — to see it as the gift it truly is, even when the world tries to strip that away from us. Let go of the past, and let the future take care of itself.

You are human. You can’t predict the future, so why worry?

Allow yourself to live humbly in the present, and hold onto hope for what’s to come.



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